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From a crossroads of roads on Koban and Karmadon we begin travel on picturesque Genaldon gorge. Dear in the beginning goes on a wide valley then enters in extremely picturesque narrow Genaldon gorge. A canion cut rough Genaldon, steep, entirely covered by a wood, rocks, canyons as fantastic towers rising upwards on height more than 300 m, bronze rocks covered with clouds, - all this leaves indelible impression even at the man most experienced concerning picturesque kinds. Here beams of the sun seldom look. Dear, making  bends, passes highly above the river. The rocky walls, places with traces of polishing, hang above a road. On  abrupt slopes there are a lot of grottoes and small caves. That the channel of the river has large ,inclination it flows by a rough flow, being sprayed on smallest particles, why around of it the flows of ionized air extending on the large distances are formed. Such air has curative properties, well influences general state of health of the man.

   In this gorge the resort of hot waters - Karmadon is located. It is possible to name it with the complete basis solar. The sun shines above it within all year, about 2000 hours. The winter here is similar to foothill autumn. Temperature of air is lower than zero some days in succession seldom keep. Morning cold to middle of day is replaced by a heat. Per especially warm days the winter observes an exit of insects from winter dream. Waters Top-Karmadon  sources have no to themselves similar in CIS.

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Author Toma Kulaeva
Foto Vladimir Lesovodski
Copyright © 1999-2004